Saturday, December 19, 2009

Meeting Santa Claus

Kate went to meet Santa Claus today. She didn't smile for him .... but she didn't cry either so we're going to call it a success! =)

.... and you are??????

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Goofing Off

Goofing off at home!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween in Pender

Kate had such a great time visiting her cousins Makrae, Marissa, and Mitchell in Pender for Halloween. She also got to see Great Grandmas Delores and Cleone, Great Grandpa Morris, and Grampa Ron and Grandma Wanda.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

July with the Sysum's

Having fun checking out the insect sculpture exhibit with cousins Rachel and Nick from Washington and Grandma White.
Kate LOVES the game machine! Especially when cousin Rachel is playing!
Looking cool in the pool! Watch out Suri!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mmmmmm. . . .Food.

Kate recently started eating some solid food. We're aren't sure how much she actually swallows, but she's having a lot of fun trying!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Trip to Mesa

Here are a few photos from our trip to Mesa, Arizona last month to visit Grandma Sandy. Molly, Pete, Nick and Rachel also joined us there. Check back soon. We're trying to post photos more often!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Birthday Buddies

Our friends Mike and Jill Campbell were in the hospital the same time as us, giving birth to their first, Ruby. She was born about 20 hours before Kate, but also on February 5, so they will forever be birthday buddies! Here are a couple of photos of them celebrating their 3-day birthdays together. Kate will also be sharing her birthday with my brother, Brent. Kate is on the left, and Ruby is on the right. Also, below is a photo of the proud fathers, as well as some other shots from the day.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kate Sylvia is here!

Kate Sylvia Kelly was born at 11:08 pm on Thursday, February 5, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 20 inches. Kate and mommy are doing great, although a little sore. Jacki ended up having a C Section after 21 hours of labor when the doctors realized that Kate was "sunny side up", which means she was coming face up instead of down. It was a long day, but completely worth it! Here are some photos from the last two days.